When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

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The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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3:10 AM
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy 9th Month Anniversary Baby

Babybaby, our 9th month anniversary came knocking on our door at the struck of 12am.
Telling us that it was our 9months together ever since 20th September 2009.
Hinting us that there are more for us to experience together.
Showing us that we have been showering each other with love for 9months.
Washing away the bad memories, the happy memories of us lingered behind.
Following us wherever we go, it was our memories.
The countless days we spent together, was never ending.
Our 300days anniversary falls on the 17th July and by then, you will be back from Brunei.
Holding on to your hands, I promise not to let you go.
Holding on to my hands, you will have to swear that you will never let me be alone, suffering from love sickness.
Shouting I love you, that's what I love to do - I wanna let the whole world know that I'm deeply madly in love with this boy of mine.

Firstly, we have experienced up and down together for the 9 months.
Feeling blissful when we smiled warm heartedly.
Feeling a little heart broken when we bickered.
Shutting my mouth with kisses from you, that's what you love to do.
Secondly, we have been with each other during rainy, windy, sunny and stormy days together.
Seeing the sun, we sweat because you kept running across my mind.
Counting the stars, if only there are 99stars above us.
Staring at the moon, we waited for full moon.
Just that we have not seen rainbow together before.
Thirdly, we have spent countless days eating mouth watering food, filling our stomach.
Growing fat together is a good thing because I don't have to stay wary about growing fat and you throwing a fatso aside.
Squeezing your fats, you better eat more.
Forthly, we have been staying with each other for pretty long.
And, we are here to wish each other happy 9th month anniversary together.
Haven't been celebrating any of our anniversary because everyday is an anniversary for you and me.
Boy I love you so much that you can't imagine that.


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