When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

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The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

title:Boring weekends
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12:13 AM
Monday, July 4, 2011

2nd July 2011
It's the second day of the month, denoting my first tuition class for July. Didn't get to meet my babybaby on that day because I woke up late and by the time I got myself prepared, it was already time for my tuition class. Besides that, I realized that it was about time to embark on my Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Project. Yes, my Saturday was apparently a total boring day for me. I need a life out of all these hectic workload. I'm beginning to neglect my friends around me, that's bad. I miss some of my girls pretty much; FooXuemin, LimShiying and Ernie. I have not seen them for ages I suppose. On a random note, take a look at the photo on your left; she's my little babygirl cousin. I was in the midst of transferring all the photos to my mummy's phone and I chanced upon this adorable babygirl. So, I decided to post her photo here to show everyone how adorable babies are ♥♥ Couples, start to produce babies because the infant rate is generally low in Singapore I suppose. Okay, I'm just randomly talking gibberish here so heck care me people.

3rd July 2011
Sunday, it was officially meant for a date out with your loved ones. As for me, I spent my day with my babybaby and I bought myself new clothes once again ♥♥ I hope GSS can stay longer so that I can shop till I drop dead. Recently, I'm so much in love with stripes stripes and stripes. I guess it's time to wave goodbye to podka dots for the moment.

4th July 2011

The start of schooling life began on the forth day of July; I have to wake up earlier for classes once again. Frankly speaking, I'm dreading to go back to school because I seriously feel that I'm getting less intelligent each day. Not only that, I felt remorseful for not studying diligently before my mid semester tests. I'm not confident in securing As for the two papers or any of the reports anymore. God, grant my wish and turn me into one intelligent freak. I don't mind being nerdy because nerds rock. Ever since holiday has ended, I couldn't muster up the enthusiasm in studying. I lost my motivation in studying. I need some motivation and words of comfort. For the past few days, I have been ringing mydeargirlShiYing up every now and then to whine to her. I love whining to her because she would listen attentively to what I want to complain. She's one of my best girlfriend ever and I loved her ♥♥ At least she's not like some other people out there, bringing along a fake mask to meet others. Fake people with weird characteristics, why do such people exist? Currently I have only 742 likes for the contest, others are trying to catch up and I'm starting to lose my confidence. Why am I so pessimistic nowadays?
More updates tonight, stay tune.


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