When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

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The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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10:10 PM
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Screwed Up Rehearsal Presentation But I'm Happy

Formal Wear presentation but yet it was merely a rehearsal presentation.
Totally unprepared for it because I dozed off last night and I didn't have the chance to write my script.
Woke up earlier to get myself prepared and daddy offered to drive me and Seven to school.
Since he was on the way to Lakeside with mummy, he offered to drive us to Dover.
What a nice daddy of mine, isn't it? ♥♥
Yesyes, I screwed up my presentation because I couldn't find my information on my script.
It was all scribbled around and the stapler bullet dropped off, that was horrible but beneficial at the same time.
In this case, I would be able to write more on my reflection journal 2 that was based on individuals strengths and weaknesses on the presentation.

OM Tutorial class and it ended earlier than expected.
Headed straight back to meet babybaby.
A mixture of feelings right now...

Happy 10th Month Anniversary Babybaby

That was probably the reason why I was pretty happy.
10 months have gone, that was really fast.
More to go and I love you babyboy.
He had to leave earlier today because he had to book in at 1030pm.
That was probably the reason why I felt unhappy?
Perhaps I think too much.
On a second thought, it might be true.


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