When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

You are currently at Sherlynn Loh Shi Ting's blog ♥ http://www.lovedsherlynn.blogspot.com

The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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10:25 PM
Friday, July 16, 2010
Click On My Advertisment

Please click on the navigation to go to the page where advertisment can be found.
If you were to see any advertisment, do click on it.
Gonna hit $50 soon , I have $42.60 in my account right now.

Perhaps I'm just too stress out and I need some time alone.
Life isn't all about studying, I need more time to party.
I don't wanna grow old regretting things which I have not done in my life.
I wanna try all sorts of crazy things on the Earth.

Monday 19th July
Gems Report

Tuesday 20th July
10th Month Anniversary with Babybaby
RWPS Presentation
Submission Of Om Report (80% Completed, I could say)

Friday 23rd July
Submission Of Isec (At least my group has finished this)

Monday 26th July
Elit Presentation
Submission Of Elit Report (Yes, we have finished it)

On top of that, I have to submit my RWPS Report, Wcd Assignment and there will be presentation for Gems too.
Insane, hectic week, I dread it the most.
The utmost stress is here to visit me again.
RWPS Report will be due in week 15 or so - it's coming to an end of week 13.
Thanks goodness that I have finished part of my report, leaving with conclusion and some parts here and there.
I have not much confidence in this report because I feel that I have written rubbish for it.
Nevertheless, I still have the time to improve on it.
Finished all practice papers and questions for FMA.
I can't say that I am well prepared because I dreaded FMA.
If it's not careless mistakes, I won't be getting C grade for the first CA paper.
I miss having As here and there for my grades.
Come back to me, my As.


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