When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

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The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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2:29 PM
Friday, July 2, 2010
Have you ever thought of these?

Realistic people, have you ever thought of asking them to get lost from you life?
Arrogant people, have you ever thought of giving them a tight slap on their faces?
Selfish people, have you ever thought of not sharing things with them?
Hostile people, have you ever thought of ignoring them?
Scheming people, have you ever thought of leaving them alone?
Irresponsible people, have you ever thought of reprimanding them?
Stubborn people, have you ever thought of ways to persuade and convince them?
Caring people, have you ever thought of ways to show your concern back?
Sociable people, have you ever thought of mingling with them?
There are many people with different kinds of characteristics.
By judging them, it is a wrong path chosen.
By understanding them better before you made your decision of what to do, is the best solution ever.
Bearing in mind, you can only trust your own instinct and feeling.
Befriending with new friends may be a good thing because it enlarges your social circles.
On a random side, I can't deny that I have awesome friends around me.

Not a form of motivation but demoralisation

Forced myself to get up from bed, and prepared for class.
My main purpose of going school today is to get back my results for ISEC Paper.
Nevertheless, my tutor claimed that he won't be returning us the papers and we did our practical in class.
It was equivalent to wasting our travelling time to travel all the way to school for practical.
I can't deny that it's getting hard to muster up the enthusiasm to attend lectures and tutorial classes after getting back my results.
Perhaps for some people, it's a form of motivation getting back bad results.
For me, it's definitely not a form of motivation but demoralisation.
Perhaps I needed his motivation and I tend to lose out without his motivation.
Baby, I wanted you at all times.

The thunder is scaring my hair up, I can't go out because I detest holding on to an umbrella.
Hopefully the rain stops before 6pm because I needa get out of my house to meet Xuemin Dear.
On a random side, my mummy was threatening me before she went out.
She said that she would lodge a complaint to my babybaby if I were to meet any guys alone.
On her way out with daddy, she dropped me a message.

The message goes like this....
Lonely girl, boy coming back le.
He smsed me and asked me to tell you to watch out if I were to go out with guys.
And the rain is super big, be a good girl and stay at home.

I told her that the rain will stop and guess what she replied me?
She said....
FUCK LA, the rain wont stop de. I'm 100% sure about it.
I will write on a piece of paper about everything that I wanna complain to your boy.

I have an interesting mummy, isn't it?
Good friend of my boyfriend's, she is one.
Well, I'm gonna update tonight again.


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