When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

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The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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1:00 AM
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Despicable Me With Babybaby And Desmond ♥♥

Yesyes, I have got my FMA CA2 the next day.
Nevertheless, I have no studying mood for the day and thus, decided to watch Despicable Me with the two precious babies.
Babybaby came over to accompany me because he knew that I would be busy studying for Monday's Accounts Paper.
I tried my very best to focus but I got distracted easily.
Lying down, I dozed off and I heard whisperings in my ears.
The moment I woke up, babybaby and Desmond were discussing where to catch the movie at.
Decided to watch at Causeway Point and babybaby booked the tickets online.

Caught the 3D Despicable me and it was really hilarious.
I didn't know that 3D shows cost much expensive - $14 per person.
Adorable kids, I love them.
Catch it if you have not done so, especially Adeline Lee Yee Ping who will be bringing all her cousins to watch.
After the late movie, we went back to Sembawang for satisfy my stomach.
Hit XinWang and we ordered quite alot of the Dim Sum.
Gosh, babybaby spent alot in a blink of eyes.
$32 at XinWang and $42 for movie tickets, horrible alright!
If only money drops from the sky and I would spend half of the amount on babybaby.
Boyfriend, I love you.


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