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Aloysius & Ernie will never fail to entertain me ♥♥The day started off with a bad though in mind - Saturday and he's away in Brunei, not accompanying me. My throat feels a little dry, I feel paranoid because mummy told me that my family doctor had quited and this means that I have no family doctor for the time being. What worst is that I'm allergic to medicine and I can't rely on drugs much. Big breakfast from MacDonald for breakfast, I felt bloated. Spent the whole day watching 5hours of drama before having dinner at home. Home cooked dinner tastes the best ♥♥ It was pouring since the late afternoon and I couldn't go for jogging with Desmond. Hence, I went out to meet Aloysius and Ernie, the two entertainers for the day. They will never fail to entertain me with their lame jokes and bickering. Ernie went to the book fair, leaving me and Aloysius behind. Aloysius was telling how stupid his lecture in school was. For the module Econs - his lecture notes include this point for the effect of inflation. "The increased rate of manufacturing shoes or something" Reason being very simple - When there's inflation, people will walk more often to the bank to withdraw money, thus people walk more often than before. This must be insane - Catholic JC provides such lecture notes, this is retarded. Not forgetting it, the next moment Ernie rang Aloysius up and told him that she saw this book about sex positions and asked if he wanna take a look. And the two of them started to argue about this - who will stay longer with their virgins? Who will get married first? Who will have sex before marriage and all kinds of hilarious topics. The soccer match started and the mac were flooded with people but we managed to get 6pax seats. Shouting goal out of the sudden, this is crazy. Noise pollution and I don't like it. Stayed for hours, I have them to entertain me. Gossiping session with Ernie, I love gossiping. Accompanied Aloysius to the Mrt Station to catch the last train. Standing with him, the two of them were still arguing. They looked like a pair of couple but well I know that's not gonna happen. Leaving him alone, Ernie went over to my house even though it was 1230am. My parents and Desmond went dating and won't be back home before 1am. I love sharing her troubles with her, I cared for her. Years of good friends, we are always there for each other. Rebellious times, we had never leave each other out. I love her, my strong little babyapplepie. My family reached home at around 130am and that was when Ernie went home alone. Be strong together girl ♥♥ Labels: Aloysius and Ernie will never fail to entertain me and I love them