When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

You are currently at Sherlynn Loh Shi Ting's blog ♥ http://www.lovedsherlynn.blogspot.com

The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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7:09 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Temptation follows me, everywhere I go

At times, life is pretty unfair and we have to face the reality that certain things cannot be changed.
Missing the smell of SB, I went to school for FMA lecture and WCD practical class.
Went to Jurong Point for lunch with Joei and this girl tried to be funny - fries become cheese fries.
Well inner joke, only she will understand though.
Great Sales are everywhere and I seriously wanna shop soon, perhaps after my MST Papers and IT Fair Work.
Wait for me before ending this sales, please.
I'm starting to love FMA because I mugged madly last night and managed to finish my FMA revision.
Loving FMA, I believe the retained profits, net profit after tax and shareholders' interest will love me more and be straightforward for me to comprehend during exam.
Even though I couldn't really get retained profits, net profit after tax and total shareholders' interest, I love FMA much.
I am going to try my utmost best to finish my WCD Revision by tonight.
Redo-ing my practical mock paper within time limit, I will finish it by tonight.
That's the promise to myself.

I love my boyfriend, do you?

Anyway, congratulations to myself because I won another $80 Sakae Sushi complimentary vouchers once again.
It's my forth time winning these vouchers from Sakae Sushi and I am going to have a feast at Sakae Sushi soon.
I smile because you care for me.
I have been feeling pressurized these few days over some issues - exams and boyfriend.
Nevertheless, I'm happy that you still care for me.
Boy, I love you ♥♥
It's Friday tomorrow and I'm going to see you in hours hours time.

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