When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

You are currently at Sherlynn Loh Shi Ting's blog ♥ http://www.lovedsherlynn.blogspot.com

The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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8:37 PM
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Second day of June, I feel the tensed up circumstances.
I feel the pressure with the thoughts of the upcoming MST Papers.
It's gonna be one hectic week ahead for me but I am prepared for it.
8th June 2010 - Organisation Managament MST & Web Client Development Practical Test
9th June 2010 - Finance And Management Accounting and training for pos system
10th June 2010 - Inforcomm Security & IT Fair
11st June to 13rd June 2010 - IT Fair

Right now, I kept the promise to myself - not to procastinate and finish FMA Revision by today.

I finished writing my own notes for all topics that would be covered in the upcoming MST.
Redid all my tutorials and I'm going to embark on finishing the past year MST FMA Papers.
I have been skipping school recently and this is unhealthy.
I will be back in school tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be WCD day and "finishing WCD revision by tomorrow" is listed in my organiser.
I'm going to abide to it.

Babybaby, I miss you.
It's Wednesday today and weekdays are coming to an end.
I wanna see you soon baby.


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