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Say Hello to my 19years old HoneyHoneyIt was my honey's officially 19years old yesterday and if anyone is interested in interviewing her about her first day of her 19years old life, you can read it from here. Spending nearly the whole day with her, I feel a little bored. Reason being, she has got no voice to defend herself while speaking to me and my girls. One name and she would shut herself up and give you the "What The Fuck" look. This morning, I went to gems and we had one egg project to do once again. It was our second time doing it and we were given 20minutes to finish it with the help of my group mates. Came late with Honey and thus, we joined TingWei's group since we couldn't join Adeline in another group. Let pictures do the talking for the process of the egg nest making. As expected, the egg had some cracklines on it.    Lecture and we had our break. It reminded me of the yellow spider that scared us off to the ELIT Classroom. The sidper was yellow-black in color and it made me feel itchy everywhere. Elit Class & next up was WCD Class. The mock practical was tough and it required lots of thinking and practising. 2hours weren't enough for me to even finish all the questions. I guess, I would have to revise everything once again. Right now, I'm unsatisfied of my slow progress. Though I am finished with my OM, topic 1 & 4 of FMA revision, I have not started revising my ISEC. I promise myself to finish my FMA Revision before this Thursday. After my class, I went to Yishun to have dinner with Seven, Adeline, Joei and Bun. 18chefs 18chefs, and we had baked rice & pasta.I didn't know that the two girls, Seven & Bun were two sicko breeds - touching each other's boobs in the public. Oh dear, I feel unsafe with them around. Shopped around before going home. I feel happy because I have awesome friends around me.  Labels: Say Hi To My SevenHoney's 19years old life