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Music Intrigued My Dancing Cells In My BodyBlasting music through earphones, the music went straight into my ears, disturbing the dancing cells of mine. Intriguing the dancing cells, I feel like dancing highly. Eenie Meenie, Fire Burning On The DanceFloor and Solo, I can't stop playing it throughout the whole night. Somebody call 911, send me to get high. I feel lonely without babybaby around, music has replaced him for these 21days. School is giving me a headache and I am starting to dread going to school after getting back my results. Have never gotten such bad results since year1, that's a horrible shock to myself. Anyway, I promised ShiYun that I will hit Rebel with her next Wednesday. This time round, I must make sure Charlene Tweety join us at Rebel. She was worn out after working for the day and I wasn't in the mood to club tonight. Gerald asked me to join him at Powerhouse tonight but guess I would be giving it a miss. I'm just not in the freaking mood to do anything and I guess there's only one person who can understand my feelings right now - Jaryl, he's there for me to share my troubles. Minutes of shopping makes me forget about my unhappinessWent over to Jurong Point with Adeline and Seven after our freaking torturing FMA Tutorial Class. Got back my results and I can give you a "What the Fucking Fuck Face". So it's best for you not to ask for my grades and marks. Had lunch with girls and we waited for Joei to join us while shopping around. Bought one top and skirt within minutes of shopping trip. On my way back home, I saw this little baby in the train. His pair of big round eyes and his way of expressions attracted me. Babies are always adorable and I was telling TingWei that I would adopt his children if he dares to cane them. I'm missing the times I had with the kids during year 1 - the time at the Childcare Center. The times were awesome because I get to spend with the innocent kids. People in the world are scheming, and you won't be able to guess what's on their minds at all times. Beware, that's what we should be doing. Guess the only person whom I trust is no one else but love.Labels: Minutes of shopping makes me forget about my unhappiness