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I'm invited to the following Event By Sakae SushiI received an email and I was told that I was being invited to this event. Anyone interested to go, do contact me because I can bring as many people there as I wish. My dear girl, Jessie, had received the invitation too. My babe, XueMin, will be joining us there too. Sakae Sushi gives us nothing but fun. I gonna love this event because it seems like I will be getting the opportunity to get closer to the lovely kids.
 Amk Hub With Mummy & DesmondWaking up in the afternoon, mummy asked if I wanna join them to Amk Hub. Daddy fetched us there and they bought two tickets for Karate Kids. I won't be watching with them because I find the movie boring. Fight here and there, why not you sit down, pay me and I fight for you to watch? Walked around and I bought myself a pair of white heels. Yes, that was the pair of heels which I had been looking for. It was the similar pair as my cousin's. Their movie started at 545pm and I went to shop alone while waiting for their movie to end. Went over to CityChain to find LinKeong because I knew he was working there. This pathetic little guy who started working at 9am today, owed me watches as my birthday gifts. Shopping alone can be awesome because I can take my own sweet time to shop for the things I want. Bought 10pairs of earrings, necklace and anklet while shopping. No tops, no dresses and no clothing for today because the theme for today's shopping spree was accessories. Waited pretty long for the two of them to finish watching the movie, my leg hurt while walking. TingWei was asking me if I wanna join him and his friends for movie. However, I ended up shopping instead of watching movie. House Of HorFun For DinnerWent over to find LinKeong before going off. His mouth was terribly red and it seemed like his dinner was super hot and spicy. My dinner was awesome but I didn't eat much. Went to the house of Hor Fun for dinner with family. The hor fun comes with big prawns and different ingredients. It is indeed appealing. Ordered stingray together with the hor fun. Not much appetite and I didn't eat much. Hor Fun Hor Fun reminds me of nothing but you.
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