When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

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The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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6:14 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
He's sweetening each moment

The first time I saw you was with Desmond and YingKhiam.
That was when we first befriended with each other.
Making my first step to talk to you, you seemed pretty hostile.
The next moment I talked to you, you stared at me right into my eyes.
Not knowing what's on your mind, I thought you showed no interest in me.
Nevertheless, it seemed that it was fate that had brought us together here.
Right now, holding on to your hand, I feel blissful.
Yes, we have misunderstanding in the past.
We argued like nobody's business and bickered like madness.
Somehow all these are inevitable and all we can do is calm down and clear all these misunderstandings and problems together.
I believe, with the two of us around, there's nothing in this world that is impossible.
We make things possible, that shows how strong our love is.
We hold on to each other till the very last minute before the Earth stops spinning, that's what love is all about.
Pampering me with your love and treats, I love it.
Pause and give yourself a minute of thinking - what do I yearn for the most?
It's you.
Tried my best to stop your mind from running wild, I put in effort.
Somehow you failed to smile before you leave to Brunei later.
All I know is I won't be seeing you for 21days and it's torturing as usual.
Clubbing is for fun and I know you don't like it.
I promise that I will go once in a blue moon and that's it.

13July2010 and you will be back here with me.
I want you to be back without any bruises on your body.
Be safe and sound, that's your job.
I will be missing you every second when you aren't with me.
Whenever you feel like giving up, look up the sky and think of how we used to lie down and count the stars together in the past.
We will do it when you are back with me.
I'm your little invisible rainbow, providing you with the path to walk on.
I'm your little sunshine, brightening up your day each day.
I'm your babygirl, waiting patiently for your return.
You will never know how much I loved you.
You may not trust me or whatsoever, but all I know is I love you deeply.


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