Back To School, It Was Filled With GossipsFirst day of school and I'm worn out, probably because I didn't even get to grab a minute to rest.
Feeling sluggish only at 630am when I was supposed to be up from my bed, getting prepared.
Nevertheless, I forced myself to get my ass up from my bed even though my eyes were closed.
Perhaps my closed eyes caused me to wear two bra stripes of different colors.
Hello, it's the latest trend that I started it.
Green and Black for today & Hot Pink and Black tomorrow, it shall be.
Walking to the Mrt Station, I chanced upon Ernie.
It was a coincidence that we were both late for our 8am lesson and still, we were taking our own sweet time walking.
Alighting at Woodlands, I waited awhile for Seven before she told me that she was waiting for bus.
Went to school alone after knowing that Adeline would be reaching school early.
Sat in group again and once again, I was told to group with TingWei and his clique.
Kinda stupid, gems is always boring and boring.
Same schooling life again, but it was fun to have Adeline Lee around.
Writing notes with her during lecture, we laughed at each other.
Drawing from me, she burst out laughing because she loved my drawings.
Whispering behind, we couldn't control our laughter because it may intensify the chances of getting breast cancers.
Well, we never failed to entertain each other during boring school days.
FMA Lecture, ELIT Tutorial and WCD Class.
ELIT Tutorial - the tutor was retarded enough to ask why am I so excited, because I was laughing at the joke of mine with Adeline.
WCD Class - Get back our WCD Results and I got myself an A for it (:
Mushroom head's boring lesson was killing me but thanks to some people who entertained me by texting and talking to me in class.
I have a nice daddy who fetched me home from the MRT Station because he knew that I was carrying many heavy stuff like my idiotic laptop.
Club Club Club, I wanna club soon but it's school day for now.
Gonna continue doing my OM Tutorial later after blogging.
It's gonna be a long tutorial and I'm falling asleep soon.
That's my boyfriend's spects and he left it with me before he left to Brunei.

Labels: Gossiping with Adeline is always fun