When you made your first step into my life, you will have to love me for the rest of your life

You are currently at Sherlynn Loh Shi Ting's blog ♥ http://www.lovedsherlynn.blogspot.com

The thirst for him is intensifying each second, he drives me insane ♥♥

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11:58 PM
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Beloved Seven Honey

This post is specially meant for my dearest Seven Honeyhoney ♥♥
This is the officially second year in which I get to celebrate her birthday with her.
Last year, we celebrated her birthday at Serangoon Gardens and that was pretty memorable.
Knowing you for more than a year, you have been my lively and enthusiastic bitchy honey.
Getting to bitch with you, I feel entertained.
Getting to hear your lame jokes, I feel absurd.
Getting to share secrets with you, I feel comfortable.
Getting to hear your troubles, I feel honoured.
Getting to be close with you, I feel bimboic.
Somehow I'm pretty use to your presence because of your intensifying bitchiness.
Whenever you lose your voice, I feel unhappy because no one will be there to bicker with me.
Whenever you are moodswinging, I will leave you alone because I know you are a dangerous creature upon moodswinging.

My dearest honey, your birthday clashes with the upcoming mst papers and I couldn't plan an awesome birthday celebration for you.
Furthermore, your camp just ended yesterday and I couldn't appear on your doorstep, surprising you when the clock struck at 12am.
Pretty sorry if your birthday celebration on Wednesday won't be the perfectly memorable one.
Nevertheless, I believed that it's the thoughts that count.
19years old and I realised you are merely 2years younger than my boyfriend.
That's horrible because you seemed old my dear.
Enjoy your day with me and smile no matter what happen.
You are currently upgraded to a 19years old adult and so, be more mature with your childish mindset.
Continue with your high level of bitchiness because it's nothing but your unique character.
I love you and happy birthday once again.

I love you my honey ♥♥


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